Hello, People of Thailand! Whatever country we come from, whatever colour our skin is, we all have one thing in common: we are all people of the world. Thailand is a beautiful country with a rich culture, just south of China. People call it 'the jewel of south-east Asia' for a good reason. Its tropical climate, white sandy beaches and ancient temples make it a perfect holiday destination. What makes it really special, though, is its people. Thai people are good-looking. They are short with delicate features. They have got black hair, dark eyes and light brown skin. The Thais are friendly people who are well known for being generous and kind. "We are a happy people who have strong wills and are especially proud of our history, says Kasem from Bangkok. Most people in Thailand live in villages. A typical Thai village consists of wooden houses, a school and a Buddhist temple. Most of the people in the villages are farmers and fishermen. The men usually work in the fields or catch fish in the rivers, and the women plant the crops. Family life is very important in Thailand and families often eat together. Thai food is very spicy and includes curries, fish, seafood, soups and noodles. "We eat rice with our meals and use a lot of strong spices in our cooking." explains Kasem. Thai people love to enjoy themselves. Popular free-time activities include Thai boxing and watching traditional dance shows. Thais also celebrate many festivals throughout the year. "My favourite holiday is Surin, in November, when we always have elephant football matches." says Kasem. Thailand is a wonderful country. Its fascinating sights, rich cultural history and warm-hearted people make it unique.
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Hello, People of Thailand! Whatever country we come from, whatever colour our skin is, we all have one thing in common: we are all people of the world. Thailand is a beautiful country with a rich culture, just south of China. People call it 'the jewel of south-east Asia' for a good reason. Its tropical climate, white sandy beaches and ancient temples make it a perfect holiday destination. What makes it really special, though, is its people. Thai people are good-looking. They are short with delicate features. They have got black hair, dark eyes and light brown skin. The Thais are friendly people who are well known for being generous and kind. "We are a happy people who have strong wills and are especially proud of our history, says Kasem from Bangkok. Most people in Thailand live in villages. A typical Thai village consists of wooden houses, a school and a Buddhist temple. Most of the people in the villages are farmers and fishermen. The men usually work in the fields or catch fish in the rivers, and the women plant the crops. Family life is very important in Thailand and families often eat together. Thai food is very spicy and includes curries, fish, seafood, soups and noodles. "We eat rice with our meals and use a lot of strong spices in our cooking." explains Kasem. Thai people love to enjoy themselves. Popular free-time activities include Thai boxing and watching traditional dance shows. Thais also celebrate many festivals throughout the year. "My favourite holiday is Surin, in November, when we always have elephant football matches." says Kasem. Thailand is a wonderful country. Its fascinating sights, rich cultural his tory and warm-hearted people make it unique.
Bună ziua, oameni din Thailanda! Indiferent de țară din care venim, indiferent de culoarea pielii noastre, toți avem un lucru în comun: toți suntem oameni ai lumii. Thailanda este o țară frumoasă, cu o cultură bogată, chiar la sud de China. Oamenii o numesc „bijuteria Asiei de Sud-Est” dintr-un motiv întemeiat. Clima tropicală, plajele cu nisip alb și templele antice îl fac o destinație perfectă de vacanță. Ceea ce îl face cu adevărat special, însă, sunt oamenii săi. Oamenii thailandezi sunt arătoși. Sunt scurte, cu trăsături delicate. Au părul negru, ochii întunecați și pielea maro deschis. Thailandezii sunt oameni prietenoși, cunoscuți pentru că sunt generoși și amabili. „Suntem un popor fericit, care are o voință puternică și suntem deosebit de mândri de istoria noastră”, spune Kasem din Bangkok. Majoritatea oamenilor din Thailanda trăiesc în sate. Un sat tipic thailandez este format din case de lemn, o școală și un templu budist. oamenii din sate sunt fermieri și pescari.Bărbații lucrează de obicei la câmp sau prind pește în râuri, iar femeile plantează recoltele.Viața de familie este foarte importantă în Thailanda și familiile mănâncă adesea împreună.Mâncarea thailandeză este foarte condimentată și include curry, pește, fructe de mare, supe și tăiței. „Mâncăm orez cu mesele noastre și folosim o mulțime de mirodenii puternice în gătit.” explică Kasem. Thailandezilor le place să se distreze. Activitățile populare din timpul liber includ box thailandez și vizionarea tradițională spectacole de dans. Tailandezii sărbătoresc, de asemenea, multe festivaluri pe tot parcursul anului. „Sărbătoarea mea preferată este Surin, în noiembrie, când avem mereu meciuri de fotbal cu elefanți.” spune Kasem. Thailanda este o țară minunată. Atracțiile sale fascinante, bogata culturală a lui. tori și oameni cu suflet cald îl fac unic.