Engleza, întrebare adresată de mariadrag71119, 9 ani în urmă

help me, urgent! pleeaseeee


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Georrgissimo

26. got

27. had made

28. tasted

29. didn't see

30. contained

31. concerned

32. liked

33. owned

34. belonged

35. was looking

36. it was not worth

37. knew

38. had answered

39. had known each other

40. had invited

41. had worked

42. hadn't know

43. had watered

44. intended

45. wanted

46. was

47. felt sorry / was sorry

48. was looking forward

49. was

50. had been fined

51. smoked

52. had

53. was interested

54. were

55. hadn't seen

56. had helped

57. hadn't seen

58. was

59. was going to lose

60. didn't speak

61. was

62. had to

mariadrag71119: multumesc frumos !
mariadrag71119: mă poți ajuta si la part 2 ?
Georrgissimo: Sigur! Dar îmi poți spune care este mai exact cerința? Mi se pare puțin ciudat pentru că timpurile în propoziții nu sunt întocmai cum trebuie (adică eu am tradus mot-a-mot ce era în paranteze, doar că nu e chiar ok dpdv gramatical)
mariadrag71119: este vb despre reported speech
Georrgissimo: Asta schimbă totu' :))) refac
mariadrag71119: ahh, mulțumesc mult!
Georrgissimo: Gata cu ăsta
mariadrag71119: multumesc frumos!
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