Toate exercițiile!

Răspunsuri la întrebare
0. My four year-old son can't bear → i. having his hair washed.
1. I only have to mention → c. washing it and he goes and hides.
2. The problem is he dreads → h. the water getting into his eyes.
3. Oddly enough, he absolutely adores → b. swimming and playing around in water.
4. Some friends advised me → f. to hold him upside down while washing the shampoo off.
5. Somehow I didn't fancy → a. doing this.
6. Strange as it may seem, I didn't want to risk → e. dropping him on his head in the bath.
7. I didn't think he would appreciate → g. having a bruise on his head instead of water in his eyes.
8. I dread → d. to think what happens to my friends' children.
1. I didn't remember watching the play before until the very last scene.
2. I don't anticipate your ... than a few minor problems with Paper 3.
3. If the boss goes putting himself under so much pressure, he'll crack before long.
4. I resent doing all the menial tasks to do by my immediate superior.
5. I don't mind you taking a loan from me as long as you remember to pay me back.
6. You can't stop your hair turning grey, so why worry?
7. My dear old mother regrets never learning how to drive.
8. He won't tolerate his employees dressing up in jeans.
9. Have you ever considered getting your ears pierced?
10. We watched the two men in handcuffs be taken away by the police.
1. I wouldn't advise any parent to take their children to a zoo.
2. It was so horrible I couldn't bear to watch.
3. I'll never forget meeting my all-time favourite author.
4. I only just remembered to warn her in time.
5. When his playing career finished he went on to become a successful chat-show host.
6. You are recommended leaving your valuables at reception.
7. It is strictly forbidden to entertain guests in these rooms.
8. I saw him lose his footing and fall.
1. C) proposing
2. A) didn't hesitate
3. D) meant
4. B) bear
5. A) minded
6. C) ceased