Helpp please,macar unele exercitii

Răspunsuri la întrebare
ex 2
1. storehouses / famine
2. taxation / whip
3. addiction
1. potrivit traditiei, se credea ca piramidele egiptene erau mari depozite pentru cereale, construite in prealabil pentru foametea ce a fost prezisa in biblie
2. unii oameni credeau ca barbatii munceau la constructia piramidelor intr-o forma de taxare, nu ca urmare a prigoanei stapinilor
3. comparativ cu dependenta de alcool sau droguri, dependenta de cumparaturi si de cheltuit bani e mult mai usoara de identificat
ex 3
1. if i don't use the plastic bags from the shops, i let them gather in the drawer
2. the tv commercial really stimulated my appetite for ice cream
3. on christmas, there are really a lot of tv commercials which targets the children
4. he/she tends to spend all his/her money just on clothes
5. cleaning the house is a really drudgery for me