Engleza, întrebare adresată de Lianne, 8 ani în urmă

Hey! Cine mă poate ajuta și pe mine?

Put the words in order to make sentences.
your / Is / desk / a / in / there / bedroom / ?
Is there a desk in your bedroom?

1. house / there / near / Is / café / your / a / ?
2. any computers / in / there / classroom / your / Are / ?
3. in / bedroom / Is / your / there / a / TV / ?
4. there / on / Are / your / any games / phone / ?
5. in / there / any photos / your / Are / living room / ?
6. internet café / there / your / an / in / Is / town / ?
7. school / Is / your / a / park / near / there / ?
8. pencil case / Are / any felt tips / in / your / there / ?​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de adrian1537


1 is there a cafè ne-ar your house

2Are there any computers in your classroom

3is there a TV in your bedroom

4Are there any games on your phone

5Are there any photos in your living room

6is there in your town an internet cafè

7is there a park ne-ar your school

8 are there any felt tipa in your pendul case

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim

1. Is there a cafe near your house?

2. Are there any computers in your classroom?

3. Is there a TV in your bedroom?

4. Are there any games on your phone?

5. Are there any photos in your living room?

6. Is there an internet cafe in your town?

7. Is there a park near your school?

8. Are there any felt tips in your pencil case?


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