Engleza, întrebare adresată de rebeccasociu09, 9 ani în urmă

How do you send your Saturdays? -100 words . Pls repede dau coroana si ma abonez .

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Răspuns de necunoscutul67

I'm ( spui numele tau ) and i wanna tell you about how i spend my saturdays. well, i spend my saturdays drawing, singing, listening to music , dancing, learning new expressions and phrases, improving my abilities, going to shopping, reading interesting and awesome books that i like very much, going for a walk on the field, eating, sleeping, watching TV to different films, serials, talking with my friends, calling my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, searching new melodies that i like very much, making plans for my new activities, making new friends, dancing on the rhytm of different songs, cleaning my room, helping my parents.

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim


Hello! My name is (name) and today I want to tell you how my Saturdays go! I wake up in the morning, take a shower, brush my teeth and then choose a good outfit. On Saturday, from 12 o'clock in the afternoon I start writing my homework, I finish around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, until 5 o'clock in the afternoon I play on my mobile phone or watch TV, then I play outside with my friends, after that I prepare dinner with everything, and after I finish, I brush my teeth and go to sleep.

Buna ziua! Ma numesc (numele) si astazi vreau sa va spun cum decurg zilele mele de sambata! Ma trezesc dimineata, imi fac un duș, ma spăl pe dinți apoi imi aleg o tinuta bună. Pe parcursul zilei de sambata, de la ora 12 dupa pranz incep sa-mi scriu temele, termin in jur de ora 3 dupa amiaza, pana la ora 5 dupa amiaza ma joc pe telefonul mobil sau ma uit la TV, apoi ma joc pe afara cu prietenii mei, dupa aceea ma pregatesc de cina cu de toate, iar dupa ce terminam, imi spal dinții, si ma bag la somn.

In textul in engleza vei avea 103 cuvinte pentru ca se pune numele! Baftă!

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