III. READING COMPREHENSION (25 points) TONY Blair was rushed to hospital yesterday with a heart problem. He complained of feeling a "little bit under the weather" at his country residence and was taken to Stoke Mandeville Hospital. There he was advised to go to Hammersmith Hospital in West London. He was admitted as an emergency and doctors spent five hours doing tests on the 50-year-old Prime Minister. He had a cardio conversion - electro shock therapy or an injection of chemicals to stabilise his heart. His wife Cherie was with him throughout the treatment. Super fit Mr Blair was eventually diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat. He was back home at Downing Street last night. A spokesman at No 10 said: "He has suffered no damage and he is fine. "There is no reason why this should reoccur." "They have advised him to rest for 24 hours." He added: "This morning the Prime Minister was feeling under the weather and went to Stoke Mandeville hospital where they advised him to go to the Hammersmith. "There it was established he had an irregular heartbeat and a cardio-version was administered to regulate it." "This was completely successful. He was in hospital for four to five hours and is now back at Number 10, Downing Street. The hospital says this is a relatively common condition and is easily treated." ucing your own words (10 points)
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Blair a fost dusă la spital ieri din cauza problemelor cu inima. El s-a plâns că se simțea
în apele sale în orașul lui de reședință și a fost luat la spitalul Stoke Mandeville.
Acolo a fost sfătuit să se ducă la spitalul Hammersmith în vestul Angliei. El a fost admis ca o urgență și doctorii au petrecut 5 ore făcând teste pe un Prim Ministru de 50 de ani. El a avut conversie cardio - terapie cu electroșocuri sau o injecție cu chimicale pentru a îi stabiliza inima.
Soția lui, Cherie, a fost cu el pe tot parcursul tratamentului. Atleticul Blair a fost eventual diagnosticat cu bătăi de inimă neregulate. A fost înapoi acasă pe Strada Downing. Un purtător de cuvânt de la Nr. 10 a spus: "Nu a suferit nicio daună și este în regulă." "Nu există niciun alt motiv pentru care acest lucru să reapară." A adăugat: "Această dimineață Prim Ministrul nu se simțea în apele sale și s-a dus la spitalul Stoke Mandeville une ei i-au sfătuit să se ducă la spitalul Hammersmith. Acolo a fost stabilit că a avut un puls neregulat...... Îți fac și continuarea după 30 de min. scuze.