Imagine to be as rich as Bill Gates is. What would you do with your money?
Imaginează-ți ca ești la fel de bogat ca Bill Gates, ce ai face cu banii ?
Accept și in romana dar și in engleză va rog !!!
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns: If I had the same amount of wealth, I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I wouldn’t enjoy it. I’d probably do the stereotypical thing and spend a lot of it on mansions, cars, boats, planes and the other luxuries billionaires enjoy. That said, I would likely get bored after a few years if I didn’t have any purpose. I would definitely try to find a cause I was passionate about to follow. I would donate to organizations I feel would help better society, donate to research universities. I would definitely try to be a philanthropist like Bill Gates, however where I’d differ from him is that, I would leave significantly more money to my family after my passing. I’d probably donate half of my fortune as opposed to 99% like Gates, I’d want my Children to continue my business empire.