Engleza, întrebare adresată de schitza, 9 ani în urmă

imi poate formula si mie cineva niste intrebari in engleza care sa raspunda:
- in the year 1509, Henry VII, maintained a magnificent court, Catherine of Aragon, James himself, Mary, Henry, decided to make himself, soon. Va rog mult de tot!! URGENT!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de CostelusCostelus
When was this war?
-in the year 1509
Who was this man?
-Henry VII
maintained a magnificent court(imi pare rau,aici nu stiu)
Who was he?
-Catherine of Argon
Who was born in same day of he?
-James himself
Who was this women?
Who has do this?
What do he ?
-decided to make himself
Sper ca te-am ajutat si succes la scoala! :) Funda?

schitza: multumesc mult de tot si nustiu sa dau puncte sau altceva ca daca stiam ti-as da sincer
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