Imi poate traduce cineva si mie urmatorul text in engleza?
Ofer 20 de puncte!
1)Ea este colega mea. Am facut cunostinata cu esa in clasa a 3-a , can am inceput sa ne imprietenim. Are părul lung, ondulat, de culoare castaniu deschis. Chipul ei este delicat , iar în ochii ei căprui i se poate citi gingăşia. Ea este entuziastă când lucrurile merg bine, dar la fel de descurajată când ajunge în faţa unui obstacol. Are tendinţa de a face mai mult decât e cazul, devenind prea generoasă. Admir mult la ea faptul că spune lucrurilor pe nume şi că nu încearcă să pară ceea ce nu este de fapt.
2) Ea este colega mea de banca. Este mai inalta ca mine, are 13 ani , iar ziua ei de nastere este pe 20 iulie. Este desteapta si frumoasa, are ochii mici , dar privirea patrunzatoare, parul nu este nici lung ,nici scurt ,insa easte putin ondulat la varfuri, iar corpul este bine proportionat, avand o culoare inchisa. Aceasta este colega mea de banca si o iubesc.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1. She is my mate. We met when we were in the 3rd grade, when we started to become friends. She has a light brown curly long hair. Her face is frail/tender, and in her soft dark eyes you can read tenderness. She is enthusiastic when things go well, and equally she's discouraged when she's facing a difficulty. She has a natural sense of doing more than it's the case, becoming too generous. I admire that she says what she thinks, she is candid and she doesn't pretend to be more than she really is.
2. She is my desk mate. She's taller than I am, she's 13, and her birthday is on July 20th. She's smart and pretty, with small eyes, but sharp, her hair is not long, but it isn't short and it's curly at its ends; she has a well-proportioned form and her skin is dark. This is my desk mate and I care a lot for her.
2. She is my desk mate. She's taller than I am, she's 13, and her birthday is on July 20th. She's smart and pretty, with small eyes, but sharp, her hair is not long, but it isn't short and it's curly at its ends; she has a well-proportioned form and her skin is dark. This is my desk mate and I care a lot for her.
pai dask mate = birou de mate , iar eu am sus colega de banca
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