Engleza, întrebare adresată de Andreee23, 9 ani în urmă

imi puteti da si mie o compunere in engleza despre cine ai cea mai mare incredere ?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de EnglishQueen
Giving your trust is a big thing.You have to earn it because it's not for granted.Friends are great people but you should trust you family more that your friends because friends can betray you and it's not a pleasant situation to be in.Although you sometimes argue with your parents that doesn't mean that they won't be there for you.Friends come and go,but you've only got one family for the rest of your life. :-)

EnglishQueen: Coronita?
Diaboliq: your family* o micuta greseala in rest perfect. Bravo
EnglishQueen: Da XD Nu am citit-o înainte sa o postez :D
Diaboliq: :D
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