imi puteti spune adjectivele si verbele?
Răspunsuri la întrebare
/Am despărțit în propoziții, - pentru verbe. /
Adjectivele sunt subliniate cu o linie.
◉Verbele sunt în bold.
Fred Flintstone is tall /
and he has got dark hair. /
He is noisy and funny /
and he likes eating. /
He has got a stone car. /
Fred likes bowling and golf. /
He can also play billiards./
Wilma Flintstone has got red hair /
and she is very modern. /
She is serious /
and she gets angry with Fred/
because he is a bit lazy. /
She likes housework. /
In the mornings she cleans the house with an elephant vacuum cleaner! /
After lunch she washes the dishes. /
In the afternoons she goes shopping with her friend. /
Her mother, Pearl, doesn't like Fred at all.
Pebbles Flintstone is their daughter. She has got red hair and
she is very cute, Her hobby is baseball. She is very clever. She's got
a pet dinosaur, Dino, who barks like a dog.
Poți încerca să delimitezi propozițiile din ultimul paragraf, folosind verbele.
Adjectivele lămuresc un substantiv, și anume pe:
Fred- tall, noisy, funny, lazy
înalt, gălăgios, comic, leneș
Wilma - modern (modernă), serious (serioasă), angry (supărată)
(Fred's) hair - dark (închis la culoare, brunet)
(Wilma's) hair - red (roșu)
(Pebbles's) hair - red (roșu)
Pebbles - cute (drăgălașă), clever (deșteaptă)
Două adjective posesive: her (mother) ; her (hobby)