Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Imi puteti traduce in engleza va rog ! in opinia mea mamele fac un efort foarte mare pentru copii acesteia . ea ne gateste , ne îmbracă , face curățenie după noi , iar noi trebuie sa o rasplatim . Mamele nu ar mai trebui sa lucreze atât de mult ca sa ne facă mereu noua toate poftele . pentru ca ea după ce vine de la munca obosită mai face si curățenie , mâncare etc.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de veryfly
In my opinion,the mothers make a great effort for their children,She makes us food,dress us,clean up after us,but we need to reward them.The mothers would not have to work so much that always make us all the appetittes.Because after she comes home for work tired,she also makes the clining,food etc.
Răspuns de vipcarmina
mothers in my opinion make a great effort for its children. she cooks us, clothes us, cleaned us, and we have to reward. Mothers would not have to work so much that we always make new all appetites. for it after coming home from work tired anymore and cleaning, food, etc
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