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De ce oare totul e asa de.ROSU in jurul meu? Parca nu mai sunt pe pamant...aici domneste un aer greu si insuportabil. in jurul meu vad doar stele. totul arata ca o pictua a unui copil din clasa impresia ca sunt PE MARTE!
tot plimbandu-ma pe aici, zaresc o umbra. o umbra de om parca...dar nu e om! ma cuprind fiori reci si ametesc. dintr-o data din umbra apare un locuitor a acelei planete. e un martian. il studiez si ma uit fix la el. are ochii mari si albastri, pielea ii e verde fosforescent. dintr-o data a ridicat o mana. eu m-am speria si m-am dat inapoi, dand un tipat ascutit. martianul, a inceput sa rada de mine, desi era si el destul de derutat. am ras si eu si apoi a zis ceva, habar nu am ce, pentru ca nu l-am inteles, si m-a condus intr-un loc minunat unde cresteau plante rosii si roz si unde erau mai multi martieni. din cate am vazut, jucau un fel de ping-pong si m-au invitat si pe mine sa joc. am luat o paleta si am jucat. am pierdut cateva mingi, care nu stiu unde au aterziat, dar la fiecare minge pierduta cadea cate o stea si martienii radeau in hohote.
am jucat si carti cu ei si fotbal si ne-am distrat. dar tot nu intelegeam cum de am ajuns chiar PE MARTE.
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Why is everything so red around me? It's like i am no longer on the earth. There's a bad and heavy air. I only see stars around me , everything looks like a child's drawing from first grade. I think i am on Mars!
While walking , i see a shadow. It looks like a man, but it isn't! I start to feel colder and my head hurts. Suddenly, a inhabitant comes to me. I start to study him .It has big blue eyes, with phosphorescent green skin. I am scared and i go backwards , screaming like a child. Suddenly,the alien starts to laugh for no reason, even though he was confused.I also laugh, then he tells me something that i couldn't understand . He showed me the way to a nice place with red and pink plants and lots of aliens that were playing ping-pong. They invited me to play and i played with him, but on each lost ball, a star was falling and they were laughing.We played even football and we had fun, even though i could't understand how the heck i got on MARS.
While walking , i see a shadow. It looks like a man, but it isn't! I start to feel colder and my head hurts. Suddenly, a inhabitant comes to me. I start to study him .It has big blue eyes, with phosphorescent green skin. I am scared and i go backwards , screaming like a child. Suddenly,the alien starts to laugh for no reason, even though he was confused.I also laugh, then he tells me something that i couldn't understand . He showed me the way to a nice place with red and pink plants and lots of aliens that were playing ping-pong. They invited me to play and i played with him, but on each lost ball, a star was falling and they were laughing.We played even football and we had fun, even though i could't understand how the heck i got on MARS.
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