In urma cu vreo 3-4 ani,impreuna cu tatal si cu fratele meu, am fost la Sibiu, acasa la niste prieteni.
Stiti ca in acest oras se afla o superba Gradina Zoologica.Ne-am hotarat sa o vizitam.
Eram linistiti toti 3. Cumparasem banane pentru maimute si pornisem pe alei sa privim animalele.
Linistea a fost sparta de strigatele de groaza ale oamenilor.Eu n-am inteles nimic insa tata ne-a dat un ordin : Catarati-va in copac ! Ne-a ajutat pe ambii sa urcam pe crengile unui copac.
Un leu fioros si-a facut aparitia urland. Era alergat de mai multi oameni.
Nu puteam sa cred ca la cativa metri de mine , un animal feroce se plimba liber. Am fost asa de speriat si de ingrozit incat ma mir ca n-am facut infarct ! Inca mai tremur cand imi amintesc.
Din pacate,leul a fost impuscat pentru a nu face victime.Asta mi se putea intampla doar mie , nu-i asa?
Va rog frumos sa mi-o traduceti in ENGLEZA ! Scuzati categoria !
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After 3-4 years ago, I together with my dad and my brother, we were to Sibiu, at home to some friends.
You know that in this city be a wonderful Zoo? We decided to visit it. We was quite all three. We bought bananas for monkeys and we had started on alleys to see animals.
The silence was broken by cries of horror of people. I did not understand anything but my dad gave us an order: Climb your tree! He both helped us to climb the branches of a tree. A fierce lion and has appeared screaming. It was run by several people. I could not believe that a few feet away, a fierce animal walks free. I was so scared and terrified that I'm surprised that I had a heart attack! I still shiver when I remember. Unfortunately, the lion was shot for not making more victims. That could happen only to me, isn`t it?
You know that in this city be a wonderful Zoo? We decided to visit it. We was quite all three. We bought bananas for monkeys and we had started on alleys to see animals.
The silence was broken by cries of horror of people. I did not understand anything but my dad gave us an order: Climb your tree! He both helped us to climb the branches of a tree. A fierce lion and has appeared screaming. It was run by several people. I could not believe that a few feet away, a fierce animal walks free. I was so scared and terrified that I'm surprised that I had a heart attack! I still shiver when I remember. Unfortunately, the lion was shot for not making more victims. That could happen only to me, isn`t it?
Multumesc frumos ! M-ai ajutat foarte mult !
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