Engleza, întrebare adresată de claudia150, 8 ani în urmă

In your notebook, write a letter to Yasmin, a
teenager in St Helena.
Ask her:
• how she spent her time before TV arrived.
• what her favourite programmes are.
• what she's been watching recently.
• what she thinks about the introduction of TV.
Tell her about the programmes you watch.​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de torch


Hello, Yasmin! Decided to write this letter for you due to the fact that i have some... Questions!

How did you spend your time before TVs Arrived? I personally I used to go out with my friends and play sports. Football, and all that fun stuff. Anyway, Let's get back on the questions! What are your favorite programmes? And what have you been watching recently? O And what do you think about the introduction of TV? I like to watch any programmes that play movies sometimes, I used to do it a lot back when i was younger, But now i don't do it nearly as much, anyway... Thank you for reading this letter, and hope to get back to you soon!

- ((nume))

Sper ca te-am ajutat! :)

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