Engleza, întrebare adresată de adriannliviu, 8 ani în urmă

* 1 Before you read the text, decide if these
statements are true (T) or false (F).
1 You can see the Great Wall of China from the
2 The Wall is a long way from any major city.
3 The Great Wall is badly damaged. ......
4 Most Chinese people want their government to
spend money on the Wall.......
* 2 Now read the text once quickly to see if you
were right.
Is there anything that humans have built on Earth
which is wisible from the moon without a telescope
Many people think the answer to this question is 'The
Great Wall of China'. They are wrong. The Wall is almost
7000 kilometres long but it cannot be seen from so fai
The destruction of parts of the Wall is nothing new,
however. In its two thousand year history it has
uffered damage from floods, earthquakes and military
ittack. Over the centuries, farmers have used bricks
rom the wall to build houses and shelters for animals.
Aany sections of the Wall have already collapsed.
5 ***
It is, nevertheless, China's most important tourist
attraction. Millions of foreign and Chinese people visit
it every year. Many of these visitors choose to travel
there from nearby Beijing and the parts of the Wall
closest to the capital are beginning to show the impact
of mass tourism. There are hundreds of souvenir
sellers, noodle stalls, fast food restaurants, several car
parks and a cable car. Although there are signs saying
that it is against the law to do so, thousands of people
2carve their names in the Wall and leave litter nearby.
'epairing the damage that has already been done costs
honey and not everyone in China agrees that it is
orth it. Although for some the Wall is an important
art of their national Sheritage, for others it is just a
minder of a tragic part of China's history when it had
defend itself from invaders. Some people even think
at because so many died building the Wall, it is
ctually wrong to preserve it.
Tourism is not the only modern development that is
having an impact on the Wall, however. Recently two
sections were destroyed with the permission of the
government. A 123.metre area was cut away so that a
vegetable market could expand and not long after,
another 35 metres were knocked down to make way for
a road.
here are, of course, those who do want to save it. One
- them is William Lindesay, an Englishman living in
vina, who 7hiked along the Wall in 1987 and wrote a
sok about his experience. Lindesay has started a
oup called 'Friends of the Great Wall'. They try to
event more development along the sections of the
all closest to Beijing. But Lindesay says that time is
nning out. 'In another twenty years there will be so
any buildings around the Wall that it will be almost
possible to see it,' he says.​

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Răspuns de ABrushOfHappiness






Toate sunt false.

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