Engleza, întrebare adresată de petruscoica, 8 ani în urmă

Insert the correct form of the verb given
Sometimes both types 2 and 3 are possible.
1 If James …………………………………taller, he…………………..
………………….basketball. (be , play)
2 Unless Barbara …………….…..….a lot, she ……………….…….
to speak English fluently.(exercise, not learn)
3 The pilot ……………………………….if there…….…………………...
an emergency (not land, not be).
4 The thief ………………………………………….if a policeman
………………………….(escape, not stop)
5 If you …………..……….this paper into that drawer,
nobody……………………..it (put, touch)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Outstanding

Hi there!

1. If James were taller, he would play basketball. (II)

If James had been taller, he would have played football. (III)

2 Unless Barbara had studied a lot, she wouldn`t have learnt to speak English fluently.

3 The pilot wouldn`t have landed if there hadn`t been an emergency .

4 The thief would have escaped if a policeman hadn`t stopped him.

5 If you put this paper into that drawer,nobody would touch it. (II)

If you had put this paper into that drawer, nobody would have touched it.(III)

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