interogați si negativ pls.
1 Diana has cut hair.

Răspunsuri la întrebare
1. Has Diana cut hair?
Diana hasn't cut hair.
îmi sună ciudat, nu era Diana has cut her hair?
Dacă am dreptate, atunci:
Has Diana cut her hair?
Diana hasn't cut her hair.
Dacă nu am dreptate, ar fi mai degrabă :
Does Diana have cut hair?
Diana doesn't have cut hair.
2. Have they followed the girl?
They haven't followed the girl.
3. Has she changed her phone number?
She hasn't changed her phone number.
4. Have they ordered pizza?
They haven't ordered pizza.
5. Have I known you?
I haven't known you.
6. Have I said enough?
I haven't said enough.
7. Has she told us everything?
She hasn't told us anything.
Haven't poate fi scris și have not. Se scrie haven't datorită vorbirii rapide.
Avem aici Present Perfect tense. Ca forme generale:
1. Forma afirmativă
Subiect + HAS/HAVE + past participle
I have eaten an apple.
She has written a letter.
2. Formă negativă - neagă acel HAS/HAVE
Subiect + HAS/HAVE + NOT + past participle
I have not eaten an apple.
She has not written a letter.
3. Forma interogativă - se inversează Subiectul cu HAS/HAVE
HASN'T/HAVEN'T + subiect + past participle
Have I eaten an apple?
Haven't eaten an apple?
Has she written a letter?
Hasn't she written a letter?
HAS/HAVE + subiect + NOT + past participle
Dacă vreau să să folosesc "not" și nu acea scriere scurtă, voi scrie:
Have I not eaten an apple?
Has she not written a letter?