Engleza, întrebare adresată de vladkazaciok69, 8 ani în urmă

It (be) ______ Saturday. My brother usually (skate)_____ every Sasturday, but today he (not skate) ___________. He (skate) ___________ tomorrow from 5 till 7.

When I (enter) _______ the classroom, the  teacher(be) there and one of my classmetes (answer) ___________. 

We (go) _____________ home because it (be) _____ late.

When she (open) _______ the door, a man (stand) ________________ on the doorstep. It (be) ______ her uncle, but she (not recognize) __________ him because he (wear) _________ dark glasses.

As soon as (come) home tomorrow I (do) ___________ my homework because at 6 o’clock (be) at the teatre and I (watch) __________ the new performance 

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Hai să completăm cu formele verbale corecte



  • It is Saturday. My brother usually skates every Saturday, but today he is not skating. He will skate tomorrow from 5 till 7.
  • When I entered the classroom, the teacher was there and one of my classmates was answering.
  • We are going home because it is late.
  • When she opened the door, a man was standing on the doorstep. It was her uncle, but she did not recognize him because he was wearing dark glasses.
  • As soon as I come home tomorrow I will do my homework because at 6 o’clock I will be at the theatre and I will watch the new performance.


Succes la școală și pe brainly!


Leonard: Să vă fie de folos! Cu drag.
vladkazaciok69: ma poți ajuta cu un eseu?
iannaAndreea: Eu sau Leonard?
vladkazaciok69: leonard
iannaAndreea: Aaa Ok sorry
Leonard: :) O idee vă pot da - postați ca temă și scrieți în română, așa găsiți mai ușor pe cineva să vă ajute cu traducerea în engleză.
iannaAndreea: A nu mersi engleza eu o știu
iannaAndreea: Dar oricum
iannaAndreea: :)
vladkazaciok69: deja am postat :)
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