Engleza, întrebare adresată de Adriana1556, 9 ani în urmă

it happened in the second half of july when my father my elder brother and i decided to go to the woods and gather mushrooms there.it was a hot summer day.on reaching the woods we sat in the shade under a big oak tree. it was a marvellous place from which we could admire the picturesque landscape surrounding us.what pleasure it was to enjoy the blue tits' and black-birds' singing! ehat a symphony of birds' calling to eachother you could hear in the quiet woods!
but soon...
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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Letitiasqn
But soon, we heard a weird noise coming behind a tree. We approached to the tree, but we didn't see anything at first. Then, after a couple of minutes, we saw a little bird coming out of a log. It didn't height more than 10 centimetres, but it's feathers were colored in bright yellow and black, which made it easier for us to see it among the leaves. Apparently, its wing was broken. We took it home, and, after a few weeks, it started to get healthier and healthier. When we decided it should be the time we say goodbye to each other, the bird didn't seem to want to leave. Every morning, it comes and stays on our home's roof, singing its beautiful song, brightening our days, ever since.
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