Engleza, întrebare adresată de edmundbaranyi, 7 ani în urmă

Look at the ideas below and use the useful language to write your opinions. 3 4 1 2 Children shouldn't start school until they're six. Young people should leave home when they're eighteen. It's better to study at a university in another town than one in your town. You should always look for a job where you'll earn a lot of money.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mandruletz
1. "I think that children should be given time to develop emotionally and intellectually before starting formal education, and starting school at the age of six could allow for that. However, this decision should be based on the individual child's readiness, and not a strict rule for all."
2. "I believe that young people should have the freedom to make their own decisions about where they want to live and when they're ready to leave home. Moving out at eighteen could be a great experience for some, but not for others. It depends on the person's financial stability, emotional maturity, and personal goals."
3. "In my opinion, studying at a university in another town could provide students with valuable opportunities to gain independence, meet new people, and experience different cultures. However, there are also advantages to staying close to home, such as being able to save money on living expenses and being able to support family members who may need help."
4. "I think that earning a high salary is important, but it shouldn't be the only factor in choosing a job. Other considerations, such as job satisfaction, work-life balance, and opportunities for growth and advancement, are equally important and can contribute to overall happiness and well-being."
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