Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Look at the map and complete the sentences using the words from from the box.
1 amandaa lives...15 green street.
2 her block of flats is ..... the schoold.
3 The departament store is not ... .... her house
4 There is a bridge ... the river
5 There is supermarket ... ... ... ... Bell and West streets
6 Amanda lives ... the park
7 The chemist's shop is ... ... the post office.

word from a box:
opposite,next to ,far from, near,at ,the, corner of, over , at, (repede va rog)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
1 Amanda lives..at... .15 green street.
2 Her block of flats is .next to.... the school.
3 The department store is not ..far from .. her house
4 There is a bridge .over.. the river
5 There is a supermarket .at the corner of.... Bell and West streets
6 Amanda lives..opposite.. the park
7 The chemist's shop is ...near ... the post office.

Utilizator anonim: ms
Geta1955: ok
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