Engleza, întrebare adresată de ciofubrianastefania, 9 ani în urmă

Look at the pictures and write a paragraph in your notebook about Dave's morning routine. Use the linkers: first, then, after that.

Prima imagine este cand el se trezeste si ceasul arata 7 si jumatate;
A doua imagine arata cum el face dus;
A treia imagine arata cum el isi ia micul dejun;
A patra imagine arata cum pleaca din casa si ceasul arata 8 si jumatate
A cincea imagine arata cum sta in statia de autobuz;
Si a sasea imagine arata cum el ajunge la scoala.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard
Dave wakes up at half past seven (7:30) every morning. First he takes a shower and then he has breakfast. After that, Dave leaves home at half past eight (8:30) and he arrives at the bus stop to wait for the bus. Then, he arrives at school, being ready to start a new study day.
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