Look at the task below. Before you write your story, work with other students. Brainstorm ideas for how
1. The zebra got its stripes.
2. The giraffe got its long neck.
3. The elephant got its trunk.
4. The anteater got its long nose.
You have seen a competition in a student magazine for a story with the title: How the ... got its... . ,
e.g. How the camel got its hump.
You have decided to enter the competition. Now write your story in 120-140 words.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
deci poveste comico-fantastica
How the elephant got its trunk. (cum elefantul si-a obtinut trompa)
Not very long ago the elephant was one of the most normal and most scared animals between them all, that's why even these days the elephant gets scared by a mouse. (acum nu mult timp elefantul era unul dintre cele mai normale si cele mai speriate animale dintre toate [toate animalele], de aceea si in ziua de azi elefantul se sperie de un soarece)
One day the elephant decided to ask other animals what it should improve.
So he went at the owl because the owl was the most intelligent in the wilderness and asked the bird how he can become more intelligent, the answer of the owl was "you should have big ears to help you hear better". (intr-o zi elefantul s-a decis sa intrebe alte animale ce ar trebui sa imbunatateasca. Si asa a mers la bufnita fiindca bufnita era cea mai inteligenta in salbaticie si a intrebat-o cum poate deveni mai inteligent iar raspunsul bufnitei a fost "ar trebui sa ai urechi mari sa te ajute sa auzi mai bine")
Then it visited the lion, the king of the animals and asked him about how to look more courageous. The answer of the ferocious king was "you should be big, very big, to scare your enemies from far away! rawwr" (Apoi a vizitat leul, regele animalelor si l-a intrebat cum sa arate mai curajos. Raspunsul regelui infricosator a fost "ar trebui sa fii mare, foarte mare, sa sperii inamicii de la distanta! rawwr"
At last, he went to the parrot and asked him how to become beautiful and the parrot said "you should have a long nose, long down to your feet so that you can throw water in the air and make rainbows" (Intr-un final a mers la papagal si l-a intrebat cum sa fie frumos si papagalul a zis " ar trebui sa ai un nas lung, lung pana la picioarele tale asa incat sa poti arunca apa in aer si sa faci curcubee")
After hearing all these advises the elephant went to the Goddess of wishes and asked for "long nose, big body and big ears". (Dupa ce a auzit toate aceste sfaturi elefantul s-a dus la zeita dorintelor si a cert "un nas lung, un corp mare si urechi mari"
How the elephant got its trunk. (cum elefantul si-a obtinut trompa)
Not very long ago the elephant was one of the most normal and most scared animals between them all, that's why even these days the elephant gets scared by a mouse. (acum nu mult timp elefantul era unul dintre cele mai normale si cele mai speriate animale dintre toate [toate animalele], de aceea si in ziua de azi elefantul se sperie de un soarece)
One day the elephant decided to ask other animals what it should improve.
So he went at the owl because the owl was the most intelligent in the wilderness and asked the bird how he can become more intelligent, the answer of the owl was "you should have big ears to help you hear better". (intr-o zi elefantul s-a decis sa intrebe alte animale ce ar trebui sa imbunatateasca. Si asa a mers la bufnita fiindca bufnita era cea mai inteligenta in salbaticie si a intrebat-o cum poate deveni mai inteligent iar raspunsul bufnitei a fost "ar trebui sa ai urechi mari sa te ajute sa auzi mai bine")
Then it visited the lion, the king of the animals and asked him about how to look more courageous. The answer of the ferocious king was "you should be big, very big, to scare your enemies from far away! rawwr" (Apoi a vizitat leul, regele animalelor si l-a intrebat cum sa arate mai curajos. Raspunsul regelui infricosator a fost "ar trebui sa fii mare, foarte mare, sa sperii inamicii de la distanta! rawwr"
At last, he went to the parrot and asked him how to become beautiful and the parrot said "you should have a long nose, long down to your feet so that you can throw water in the air and make rainbows" (Intr-un final a mers la papagal si l-a intrebat cum sa fie frumos si papagalul a zis " ar trebui sa ai un nas lung, lung pana la picioarele tale asa incat sa poti arunca apa in aer si sa faci curcubee")
After hearing all these advises the elephant went to the Goddess of wishes and asked for "long nose, big body and big ears". (Dupa ce a auzit toate aceste sfaturi elefantul s-a dus la zeita dorintelor si a cert "un nas lung, un corp mare si urechi mari"
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