Engleza, întrebare adresată de deliamariadede, 9 ani în urmă

Look at these sentences from the passage. Decide where the adverbs and adverb phrases in brackets can go in the sentences.
1) Africa has lost 99 per cent of its black rhinos. (in the past  twenty years).
2) There were only 11 rhinos left.(in kenya's Masai Mara national reserve/ten  years ago).
3) The grey whales recovered. (quickly)
4) There are perhaps 20,000. (today)
5) Other rare species continue to receive  protection.(all over the world).
6) Wildlife is good for the tourist trade. (suddenly).

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alexandratoma3
1) In the past  twenty years Africa has lost 99 per cent of its black rhinos. 
2) T
en  years ago there were only 11 rhinos left.
3 Q
uickly the grey whales recovered. 
4) Today
 there are perhaps 20,000. 
All over the world other rare species continue to receive  protection.
Suddenly  wildlife is good for the tourist trade. 
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