Engleza, întrebare adresată de Mihaela3444, 8 ani în urmă

Mă poate ajuta cineva ​


Damaya: incearca sa faci o poza mai de aproape sau pe bucati

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de xstefan201to



1. morning

2. meet




II. cascadorie =stunt ;John did a stunt

slujba cu jumătate de norma =part time job ;She has a part time job

realizare=achievement ;Jerry did a achievement

a face trucuri=to do tricks ;He is made to do tricks

a porni=start ;He is starting now


1 cu D

2 cu B

3 cu A

4 cu C

5 cu E

My dad is a shop assistant

He is a secretary

She wants to be an journalist

My mum is a nurse

Look after him , He is naughty.

Report that to the teacher

Serve that table

He can play the piano

He is typing on the computer

IV nu știu


1.doesn't like...


3.don't know..

4.Does He work..

5.Does Mary sleeps

VI . When I was five I asked my parents for a toy . They accepted to buy it for me but later that day . They asked me if I like it . I responded no they throwed it out the window.

VII .Ce text?

Sper ca te-am ajutat!

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