Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreealoventa, 7 ani în urmă

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CB Listen to 14-year-old Sam giving a talk at school. Which of these is she talking about? 1 Four things we all know about regular exercise.

2 Four things we might not know about regular exercise. 3 The advantages and disadvantages of regular


2 Listen again. A student in Sam's class is taking notes, but she hasn't managed to write everything down. Complete her notes.

SPEAKING Compare your notes with a partner's Which of the points from Sam's talk did you already know? Which were new for you?


About health

1 Complete the sentences from Sam's talk with therefore and you should. Then decide in which of the sentences the speaker makes a suggestion and in which the speaker draws a conclusion?

a Exercise gives you a healthy heart, 50 exercise regularly. You reduce the risk of dying from a heart attack by almost a half.

b There is a clear link between lack of movement and depression.. regular exercise helps you to become a happy person.

A conclusion is only valid if it follows logically from the information given. If we need to make assumptions about facts that are not part of the information, then the conclusion is invalid.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AndreDuți

Partea de listening nu o pot rezolva, căci nu am partea audio sau audio transcription-ul.


1. Complete the sentences from Sam's talk with therefore and you should. Then decide in which of the sentences the speaker makes a suggestion and in which the speaker draws a conclusion?

a) Exercise gives you a healthy heart, so you should exercise regularly. You reduce the risk of dying from a heart attack by almost a half.

b) There is a clear link between lack of movement and depression. Therefore regular exercise helps you to become a happy person.

2. Which of these conclusions are valid? Which are invalid? Give reasons.

A. (already solved)

B. The conclusion in B is valid. It is true that spending time outdoors is good for your health. Birdwatching is a hobby where people observe birds and it is done outdoor, which makes it a healthy free-time activity.

C. The conclusion in C is valid. It is true that vitamins help our immune system, and fruits are full of vitamins which make them a perfect option if we want to boost our immune system.

D. The conclusion in D is invalid. It is true that positive thinking is good for our health. It is good for John if he is a positive thinker, but positive thinking do not make you immune to any sickness. In a great measure, positive thinking will help the mental health, not the health of the whole body.

nikitm19745490: Partea Audio o poți găsi pe manuale.edu.ro cautand Manual De Engleza Modernă 1 clasa VIII-A
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