ma poate ajuta cineva la aceasta fisa?

Răspunsuri la întrebare
a) Mary is plays tennis every Sunday.
b) Let's go out and play! Mum is making a cake at the moment.
c) I always watch T.V. on Saturday evening.
a) every morning - present simple; because it indicates a routine (deoarece indica o rutina).
b) now - present simple; because it indicates an action that is happening at the moment (deorece indica o actiune care se intampla/pertrece acum).
c) always - present continous; because it indicated an action that is happening constantly (deoarece indica o actiune care se intampla/petrece intr-un mod continuu).
d) never - present simple
a) in fata - in front of/in the face of (cel mai folosit e in front of)
b) in spatele - behind
c) vizavi - opposite/across the (street)
d) alaturi - next to
Sper ca te-am ajutat!
a) Mary plays tennis every Sunday.
b) Let's go out and play! Mum is making a cake at the moment.
c) I always watch T.V. on Saturday evening.
a) every morning - present simple
b) now - present continuous
c) always - present simple
d) never - present simple
a) in fata - in front of
b) in spatele - behind
c) vizavi - opposite
d) alaturi - next to