Engleza, întrebare adresată de starlight32, 8 ani în urmă

Ma poate ajuta și pe mine cineva la acest exercițiu, vă rog ? ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de rin56


1.A:Technology is a very important subject.

B:Yes, you are right. It is more useful than music.

2.A:I think history is more interesting than geography.

B:That's not quite true. History is as interesting as geography.

3.A:I think maths is the most horrible thing in the world.

B:Oh,no. It is such an exciting subject.

4.A:I think music is more entertaining than English.

B:Why? English is so intresting to learn!

Sper ca te-am ajutat! :)

starlight32: MERSIIIIII
rin56: Cu mare placere!
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