Engleza, întrebare adresată de adinu434, 8 ani în urmă

Ma pote ajuta cineva cu o compunere la engleza cu inceputul:In the middle of the forest I found a magic well......

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lea34


In the middle of the forest I found a magic fountain. I approached that fountain with great fear because it had something special but I still didn't really know what. when I looked in the fountain I saw a kitten that meowed with great pain. I bent down so that I could take it and after great attempts I finally managed to get it out of there. the cat had run away quickly but the fountain began to sway. I was scared but a voice said not to be afraid because I am safe. The fountain began to speak. she thanked me for helping that kitten and for allowing me to make a wish because I was the first person to help that kitten, where other people ignored her. I wanted a sister and the fountain said to go home because my wish has already been fulfilled. when I entered the house my parents came and told me that I would have a sister. I was the happiest person ever.

Sper sa iti placa


adinu434: Multumesc mult !
lea34: cu mare plăcere
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