Engleza, întrebare adresată de GoLd3N, 9 ani în urmă

Ma puteti ajuta va rog? Interogatia si negatia.
1.We can play tennis very well
2.Jane must drink hat tea.
3.I must do my homework
4.They may go ont.
5.Bob can speak French and Spanish.
6.Jack and sue may drink cold cuater today.

Dau coroana

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de blackpandaunipingu
1.Can we play tennis very well?
We can^t play tennis very well.
2.Must Jane drink hot tea?
Jane mustn^t drink hot tea.
3.Must I do my homework?
I mustn^t do my homework.
4.May they go ont?
They may not go ont.
5.Can Bob speak French and Spanish?
Bob can^t speak French and Spanish.
6.May Jack and Sue drink cold water today?
Jack and Sue may not drink cold water today.

blackpandaunipingu: Coronita?
GoLd3N: Da dar cum o dau c sunt mai nou...
GoLd3N: Zici cum?
blackpandaunipingu: aah,nu stiu nici eu :)))
GoLd3N: :)))
GoLd3N: Dava vrei ma abonez...
blackpandaunipingu: daca vrei ;)
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