Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreearau8, 8 ani în urmă

Make a passive sentence from the words in brackets, as in the example. Example: 1. A: That’s a beautiful picture. B: Yes, (it / paint / my mother) It was painted by my mother. 2. A: Have they caught the thieves yet? B: Yes. (two men / arrest / yesterday). ________________________________ 3. A: Did you build the garage yourselves? B: No. (the garage / build / before we moved in) _________________________________ 4. A: Why is Paul afraid of dogs? B: (he / bite / a dog / when he was a little boy) _________________________________ 5. A: Sarah is very ill. B: (she / take / to hospital last night) _________________________________ 6. A: This room is a disgrace. B: (it / not clean / for weeks) _________________________________ 7. A: Did you know about your surprise party? B: No. (it / arrange / in secret) _________________________________ 8. A: Are you going to drive to work today? B: I can’t. (the car / not fix / yet) _________________________________ 9. A: Has Tom got a job? B: No. (he / make redundant / last month) _________________________________ 10. A: Who teaches traditional dance at this school? B: (dance classes / organize / former ballerina / last year). ___________________________________

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de EliseiAlexandru


2. Two men were arrested yesterday.

3. The garage was built before we moved in.

4. He was bitten by a dog when he was a little boy.

5. She was taken to hospital last night.

6. It has not been cleaned for weeks.

7. It was arranged in secret.

8. The car has not been fixed yet.

9. He was made redundant last month.

10. Dance classes were organised by a former ballerina last year.


Passive voice

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