Engleza, întrebare adresată de fxgamerone777, 8 ani în urmă

Make questions (?).
1. Jane is cleaning the windows.
2. Betty and Tom are drinking tea.
3. Dad is talking to the phone with mum.
4. I am going to school now.
5. We are jumping up and down.
Make negatives (X).
1. We are all sitting on the sofa.
2. That man is driving very fast.
3. The kids are playing in the park.
4. Susan is talking loudly.
5. You and Liz are eating ice cream.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AlexisJoestar


is Jane cleaning the windows?

are Betty and tom drinking tea?

is dad talking on the phone with mom?

am I going to school now?

are we jumping up and down?

we aren't all sitting in the sofa.

that man isn't drinking very fast.

the kids aren't playing in the park.

Susan isn't talking loudly.

you and Liz aren't eating ice cream.

fxgamerone777: nu stiu daca e corect dar multumesc
AlexisJoestar: e corect. am B1
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