Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Match the main ideas a-d below to paragraph 1-4 in the story abouve

A man offered the king twelve arrows and the king gave them to his best friend

Late at night a poor peasant found the king s body and took it away in his cart

The king went huting in a bad mood because of a strange dream

The people in the king s hunting party ran away when they saw he was dead


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Biancaa04
Cred ca ordinea ar fi asta:
1 =The king went huting in a bad mood because of a strange dream
2 = 
A man offered the king twelve arrows and the king gave them to his best friend
3 = 
The people in the king s hunting party ran away when they saw he was dead
4 = 
Late at night a poor peasant found the king s body and took it away in his cart
 Nu sunt complet sigura, deoarece se poate ca propozitia pe care am pus-o ultima sa fie prima iar restul sunt in aceeasi ordine. Sper totusi ca te-am ajutat :)
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