Engleza, întrebare adresată de adrianaconstantin747, 8 ani în urmă

Match the two columns, then use the prompts to write sentences using the first conditional.
a. find a four leaf clover
b. see a black cat
c. walk under a ladder
d. put a horseshoe above the doorway
e. blow out the candles of your birthday cake with one breath
f. break a mirror
g. have empty pockets on New Year's Eve

1. have bad luck
2. your wish comes true
3. have good luck
4. have bad luck for seven years
5. have a year of poverty
6. have bad luck
7. have good health and fortune for the family ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de thelogthelog91e


a3 b1 c6 d7 e2 f4 g5 cu placere

adrianaconstantin747: Mulțumesc!!!
thelogthelog91e: cu placere
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