Engleza, întrebare adresată de zuzu60, 9 ani în urmă

mil puteți traduce in engleza? va rog mult, am nevoie urgent! mersi!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de movilaflorentina
They were once 12 girls the emperor. Every night broke 12 pairs of shoes. The emperor said that who will be where break his girls shoes will give a girl wife. Tried more, but all failed disappearing in a palace charmed where dancing girls and broke their shoes. It came when a shepherd who succeeded to discover. This received the smallest girl, and other received the past 11 suitors save of shepherd from a palace charmed.

movilaflorentina: Acum ai înțeles?
zuzu60: da
Geta1955: In ce limba a fost tradus textul din tema?
zuzu60: engleza
Geta1955: O sa ti-l traduc in romana, ca sa iti dai seama ca nu e in engleza: "erau odata 12 fete imparatul. Fiecare noapte a spart 12 perechi de pantofi. Imparatul a spus ca cine va fi unde sparg fetele lui pantofi va da o fata sotie.....
Geta1955: cont: ... Incercat mai mult, but toti au esuat disparand intr-un palat fermecat unde fetele dansatoare si si-au spart pantofii. A venit cand un pastor care a izbutit sa descopere. Acesta a primit cea mai mica fata, si altul a primit trecutul 11 petitori salveaza de pastor de la un palat fermecat".
zuzu60: mil poti traduce tu?
zuzu60: te rog frumos
movilaflorentina: Eu totuși am încercat
movilaflorentina: Mulțumesc oricum că ai corect
Răspuns de Geta1955
Once upon a time there was an emperor who had 12 daughters. Every night the daughters used to wear out their shoes. The emperor said that he who would find out the place where his daughters were wearing out their shoes would be rewarded by marrying one of his daughters. There were many young men interested in this offer, but all disappeared in the magic palace where the emperor’s daughters used to dance.

One day it was a shepherd who came to the emperor, and he finally succeeded to find out the place where the 12 daughters were wearing out their shoes. He married the youngest daughter, and the other 11 daughters were married to 11 wooers who were rescued by the shepherd from the magic palace.

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