Engleza, întrebare adresată de stylelauriana, 9 ani în urmă

My favorite sport is fitness

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Amalia463

La ce trebuie sa iti raspundem?

stylelauriana: un eseu de o pagina
Amalia463: a ok
Utilizator anonim: Mai lung?
stylelauriana: da
Utilizator anonim: Cum e...poti sa LA scribe spe Mabel
Utilizator anonim: Poti sa le scris pe ambele
Utilizator anonim: Fără s
stylelauriana: e bine mersi
Utilizator anonim: Măcar o inimă?
Utilizator anonim: Am mai pus
Răspuns de Utilizator anonim


M-am gândit la altceva

My favorite sport is basketball. It is a very energetic sports and I love to practice it. Me and my friends going to practice this sport in the future. I discovered the sport at the age of 6 years. I liked and then I became a professional. The teacher always praised me. I hope to get away!

In loc de basketball poți pune fitness


My favourite sport is basketball. I practice it since i was only 6. I like it because it teaches me how to think and act fast in difficult situations. Our team has practice three times a week: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. We actually play really well. We have even won a bunch of trophies, from all sorts of competitions ans championships, which we still come back to next time. I like basketball because it's a team sport and I am really attached to my teammates. And we are excellent in this formation. Plus, basketball is a sport where you get to run very much so it also helps me with my health. I am open to try other sports, but I would still stick with basketball!


My favorite sport is volleyball because it takes lots of skills and it makes my arms feel stronger. I'm really good at volleyball, and it helps me to concentrate in school and in other sports.

I like to play volleyball at recess with my friends and teachers, or at Hui Malama after school. Sometimes I go to the Waimanalo Gym and play with Hui Malama.

My favorite volleyball team is the Rainbow Wahine because they have cooperative players which helps them win games

stylelauriana: nu mie imi trtebuie anume legat de fitness
Utilizator anonim: În loc de basketball pui fitness...la primele
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