Natura este locul unde se intoarce omul sa-si ia energia de care are nevoie, dar daca aceasta nu are ce sa-i ofere, omul se va ofili si, impreuna cu natura vor avea de suferit.
Daca noi nu protejam apa, aerul, plantele nu vom mai putea sa respiram aerul curat, nu vom mai putea sa simtim parfumul florilor sau sa admiram coloritul viu pe care natura ni-l ofera in fiecare zi.
Cum sa protejam natura nu este doar o simpla intrebare ci si un indemn de a face ceva.
In primul rand ar trebui sa nu mai fie taiati copacii.Acest lucru se va realiza doar daca toti oamenii vor fi constienti de importanta aerului pe care il respiram.
Aruncatul gunoaielor la voia intamplarii este un alt rau pe care oamenii il fac naturii.La primul val de ploaie acestea iau drumul avalanselor si umplu albiile raurilor facand imposibila supravietuirea micilor vietuitoare care traiesc in adancuri.
Acestea sunt doar cateva dintre efectele nepasarii oamenilor. Chiar daca adultii trec cu indiferenta peste aceste suferinte ale mediului inconjurator, noi, copiii, putem sa le atragem atentia si, prin exemplele oferite de noi, poate vom reusi sa salvam planeta. Fiecare, la locul de joaca, munca sau disractie, trebuie sa aiba grija sa nu arunce gunoaie pe jos, sa colecteze selectiv deseurile si sa nu distruga spatiile verzi.
In anii ce vor urma, noi, generatia tanara, trebuie sa invatam sa iubim natura. Poate nu stiti, dar natura plange atunci cand este parasita de oameni.
Stop cu greselile, faceti natura sa zambeasca!
Traducere in engleza. Va rog frumos.. am nevoie urgenta de asta. ( nu pe google translate) Multumesc! :)
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Nature is where man goes back to get the energy he needs, but if nature has nothing to offer man will wilt and will suffer together with nature. If we don't protect the water, the air, the plants we won't be able to breathe the fresh air, we won't be able to smell the flowers or to enjoy the bright colours that nature offers every day. How can we protect nature? This is not just a question, it's also a call to action. First of all we should stop cutting down the trees. This will only happen if people become aware of how important the air that we breathe is. Throwing garbage anywhere is another harm that man is doing to nature. With the first rain, these go the same way as the avalanches and the fill up the riverbeds, making it impossible for small creatures to survive in the deep waters. These are just some of the effects of people not caring. Even if adults are indifferent to the suffering of the environment, we, as children, can tell them about this and, by setting examples, maybe we will manage to save the planet. Each of us, where we play, work or have fun, must be careful not to throw garbage on the ground, to collect the recyclables separately and not to destroy the green areas. In the next years we, the young generation, will need to learn how to love nature. You may not know this, but nature cries when people do not take care of it and leave it. Stop making mistakes and make nature smile!
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