Engleza, întrebare adresată de brunetadany, 9 ani în urmă

o compun engleza cu titlul in an interesting job
o compun engleza cu titlul my faovorite season
o compun engleza cu titlul write a lettes to penfriend
o compun engleza cu titlul an invitation to a birthday party
puteti sa faceti 1 2 3 cate vreti dau coroana

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de RoxiLettib
Invitation to a birthay party Dear (Un nume),I would like to invite you to my birthday party this sunday.This party is going to be at my house,you already know where it is,all are friends are going to be there and of course there will be music and delicious food!Hope you are going to make it to my party! Your friend, (numele tau)
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