Engleza, întrebare adresată de sannity09, 8 ani în urmă

O compunere despre cum va fi lumea peste 100 de ani. In care sa folosim Linking words.

-Nu trebuie sa incepem cu linking words-
-20 de randuri-

-Va rog ajutati-ma sunt in grabire foarte mare si nu prea ma descurc la limba engleza. Compunerea este o tema pentru scoala online.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim


The world is constantly changing each and every single day and we have to keep up with that.

I think, in the future, the world will be a completely new community , with a lot of digital improvements in all of the economical spheres and geopolitical markets.

Every human being will be able to complete tasks better, smarter , faster, safer.Apart from that, the animals will be completely watched and helped in need , or for a medical issue.Furthermore , they will have a good interaction with humans and a secure environment to live in.

Also, the robots will help people increase their capacity to work and speed up the digital era of economics in a world where artificial intelligence will rule the world.In addition to that, 5G will contribute to this changement to provide a faster internet connection in order to complete everything in real time and more efficiently.

So, in 100 years, everything will see and know now, will be completely changed in a digital global era.


sannity09: Va multumesc extrem de mult. Sa aveti o zi frumoasa
Utilizator anonim: Multumesc!Asemenea!
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