O compunere in engleza despre iarna dc iti place iarna de 10 randuri. Daca puteti si sa l traduceti
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Toate anotimpurile sunt frumoase, dar imi place iarna deoarece sunt sarbatori frumoase.
In Iarna, se afla anumite sarbatori frumoase,cum ar fi Mos Craciun. Toti copii isi face bradul si canta colinde. Unii copii isi iau sania usoara si se dau peste văi. Mos Craciun vine cu renii sai, la copii cuminti si le dau cadouri multe. Iarna e rece dar si placut cand fulgii de zapada cad pe jos. Sporturile iernii sunt sa schiezi si sa patinezi.
Cel mai frumos anotimp dintre toate patru anotimpuri si cel mai rece.
All seasons are beautiful, but I like winter because there are beautiful holidays.
In winter, there are some beautiful holidays, such as Santa Claus. All the children make their Christmas tree and sing carols. Some children take their light sled and run into the valley. Santa Claus comes with his reindeer to good children and gives them many presents. Winter is cold but also pleasant when the snowflakes fall on the floor. Winter sports are skiing and skating.
The most beautiful season among all four seasons and the coldest.