Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

O compunere in *ENGLEZA* in care sa scrieți despre sentimentele voastre și cum va simțiți în clasa a 8-a

În engleza va rog!!! ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dorinasechel


HI Andrew! how are you?

Oh,im a bit busy and sad


my mom doesnt let me play with my friends!

oh,im happy today ! We are gonna go to the mall.

That is cool! I wish i had to go at the mall too.

dorinasechel: stiu
dorinasechel: e cam un raspuns de cam clasa a 3 a dar sper ca team ajutat!
dorinasechel: ok am citit gresit :/
Răspuns de dumitritapascaru07
To be in The 8th level is a bit difficult because you have to study a lot in a very short time. You don’t actually really have time for yourself if you want to be a good student. As well you have to be really brave at the lessons so teachers could see you and think in a good way of you. So this is how I describe how you feel if you’re in the 8th level at the school.

Utilizator anonim: mulțumesc mult de tot!
dumitritapascaru07: Cu plăcere
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