Engleza, întrebare adresată de oris, 10 ani în urmă

o compunere in limba engleza de minim 1o randuri la timpul trecut care sa contina urmatoarele cuvinte: went ate broke had took got was were

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sederato
Last week I visited my friend John, who lives in Paris.  When I got there, he was waiting for me.  He seemed so happy to see me! We were hungry so we went to a restaurant to get something to eat. I ordered some spaghetti and he ordered fries with chicken. For dessert, we both had ice cream. It was delicious! After we ate, I told John I was broke so he offered to pay for me too. He was very kind to me. I didn’t have any money left because the plane ticket to Paris was expansive.  We were tired so we took the bus to get home. We played some video games together and watched an interesting movie. We had a great time together in Paris. I can’t wait to see John again!
Traducerea in romana:
Saptamana trecuta l-am vizitat pe prietenul meu John, care locuieste in Paris. Cand am ajuns acolo, m-a astepta. Parea atat de fericit sa ma vada! Ne era foame asa ca am mers la un restaurant sa ne luam ceva de mancare. Eu am comandat spaghete si el a comandat cartofi prajiti cu pui. La desert, amandoi am avut inghetata. A fost delicioasa! Dupa ce am mancat, I-am spus lui John ca eram falit asa ca s-a oferit sa plateasca si pentru mine. A fost foarte amabil cu mine. Nu mai aveam bani ramasi pentru ca biletul de avion catre Paris a fost scump. Eram obositi asa ca am luat autobuzul sa ajungem acasa. Ne-am jucat jocuri video impreuna si am vazut un film interesant. Ne-am simtit foarte bine impreuna in Paris. Abia astept sa-l vad pe John din nou!
Sper ca nu sunt greseli

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