Engleza, întrebare adresată de ferrarifrancesca2007, 8 ani în urmă

o cumpunere cu "o zi din viata mea" in engleza

plsss am nevoie urgent ,dau coroana doar la răspunsul bun și corect deoarece știu niște persoane care au scris doar "hdhdjeejje"​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de noodles93


A day of my life

I wake up at (scrie ora la care te trezeşti într-o zi normală) and I squint at my window as the sun rays light up my room. It is morning again.

I leave my bed to go to the bathroom. After I manage to get my daily routine done, I glance at the clock. I hate being late so I hurry up in the kitchen where I finally get to eat my breakfast. I usually eat eggs or toast, nothing too special. At (ora la care pleci la şcoală) I get my schoolbag and rush to school.

Depending on what classes I have that day, time passes quickly. I get home at (ora când ajungi acasă). I eat lunch and I do my homework. Finally, when I get everything done, I have time for myself. At this point, I'd practice my hobby or watch TV. I find this to be really important because I get to rest for a bit.

I eat dinner with my family at 6pm and after that, I get my clothes and schoolbag ready for the following day. I go to sleep at (ora când te culci). This is one day of my life.

ferrarifrancesca2007: mulțumesc mult :D
noodles93: Cu plācere :^)
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