Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreisoare600, 7 ani în urmă

O intamplare amuzanta cu un prieten in engleza
150 de cuvinte plsss

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Răspuns de PrimroseMoon


One time , me and my friend ..... ( aici pui numele prietenului / prietenei tale / tau ) were in art class . Our teacher let us sit together so that's what we did . .... didnt understood what we had so draw so she / he asked the teacher one more time . Miss Roberts was kind of mad because half of our class forgot their art supplies at home ! After about , half and hour , ..... ( nume prieten / prietena ) thought it was a good idea to play "The Itsy Bitsy Spider " on full volume in the middle of the class . Our teacher wasnt in class at that time , she on the hallway , talking with someone on the phone , but when she got back in she made my friend turn off the music . We were about to get a very small grade but the miss Roberts only told us that if we do it one more time she's going to speak with our parents .

I know that we were one step of getting a bad grade but it was really funny and really worth it !

Sper ca iti place si ca e bn

(daca vrei , poate coroana ? )

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