Engleza, întrebare adresată de mateigeo26, 8 ani în urmă

O poveste de aproximativ 10 randuri(100 cuvinte) in care sa folosesti past simple si past continuous​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de arianastanciu81
Aimee got up in the morning just to find out that school has closed due to some tehnical problems, so she planned to see her friends at the mall. Usually, at this hour, she was getting her backpack done, or eating breakfast.But now she is calmly laying in bed, waiting for her friends to accept her invitation. Around 2 o’clock, she gets dressed and leaves to the bus station, where she is meeting her friends. They all went to the mall where they had a great time shopping, laughing and eating ice cream. Aimee is really glad she gets to do all these things once in a while!
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