Engleza, întrebare adresată de sum, 10 ani în urmă

O scrisoara unui prieten (in engleza)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de thunderstruck
Dear Jeanette, welcomes you precisely removed Moldova! Sorry it's Taken me so long to write. the problem is that I have been very busy this fall. I started the school year with strength and initiative. I have a lot of work in this year's study. is a more difficult schedule in compatarie with the previous year, but more interesting. I loved physics and geography this year. my colleagues have matured, but are more serious and less "crazy". in fine, still boiling mad mood in them. By the way, I have two new colleagues: Jeff and hope. some girls are nice. we became friends very quickly. bank are third with Maia. back together perfectly. I have two prefesori us: in computer science and geography. how are you? I hope you're well. how you get to school? I heard you have a new school uniform. I like the idea. Can you send a picture in it? 'm curious to see how it looks. me I really miss you and your friends from camp. contacted with any of them? I amine with nostalgia by those wonderful ten days include you and kiss you Your companion of his wife, Felicia. PS I look forward response to my letter and a meeting as soon as possible. I have much to tell you ... bye!  

Draga Jeanette, te salut calduros tocmai din indepartata Moldova! Scuza-ma ca nu ti-am scris atit de mult timp.. problema e ca am fost foarte ocupata toamna aceasta. am inceput anul scolar cu forta si initiativa. am mult de lucru in acest an de studiu. este o programa mai dificila in compatarie cu cea din anul precedent, dar si mult mai interesanta. am indragit fizica si geografia in acest an. colegii mei s-au maturizat, sint mai seriosi dar nu si mai putin "nebunatici". in fine, inca fierbe cheful de nebunii in ei. apropo, am doi colegi noi:Mihaela si Nadejda. sint niste fete de treaba. ne-am imprietenit foarte repede. stau in banca a treia cu Maia. ne impacam de minune. am doi prefesori noi:la informatica si geografie. tu ce mai faci? I hope you're well. cum te descurci la scoala? am auzit ca aveti uniforma scolara noua. imi place ideea. poti sa-mi expediezi o poza in ea? sint curioasa sa vad cum arata. mie imi e foarte dor de tine si de prietenii de la tabara. mai contactezi cu cineva dintre ei? imi aminesc cu nostalgie de acele zece zile minunate te cuprind si te sarut a ta tovarasa de şotii, Felicia. P. S. Astept cu nerabdare raspuns la scrisoarea mea si o cit mai curinda intilnire. mai am multe sa-ti povestesc...la revedere!

irinateleoaca: Scrisoarea ta conține greșeli lingvistice.
thunderstruck: Sorry... facut-o din fuga:)
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