Engleza, întrebare adresată de Quickyfingers, 9 ani în urmă

O scrisoare informala în engleza câte un prieten rpd plz

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de deliaavasilcai
                                       Dear friend,
I want you to know:
tomorow is my birtday and I want to invite you at my home at 15:00 and there will be a lot of fun till 17:00. Hope you want to come. We will dance, sing, make jokes...
                                                                     With love,

Quickyfingers: Ms
deliaavasilcai: cu placere
Geta1955: birtHday....
Răspuns de alessiazam
Dear Abby, I know we are very good friends and i want you to come to my birthday!Tomorow at 18:00 pm , in front of our school i will take you from there. We will go at this adreess str. ( orice nume de strada ) , number ( orice numar) . There it will be a playground ! I hope you will come to my birthday ! See you, Alesandra
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