Limba română, întrebare adresată de coco146, 9 ani în urmă

o.scrisoare pentru u prieten spunându decizia ta importantă

Utilizator anonim: Dear friend, I think everything is connected, because sometimes scenarios that they've never seen arise in my mind but only for a second, then hide again. I would love to live my life in different styles and I did not anchor in that boring routine. I like to meet all kinds of people and learn as many new things. I feel many feelings and to think many thoughts. But I want to live just one person.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MelyGül
Draga Mircea,
Nu am mai vorbit de mult, tu esti in Cluj , iar eu la multi kilometrii.
Sper ca macar vacanta sa ne aduca impreuna. Imi pare foarte rau ca ti-am raspuns asa greu, stii cum e cu timpul asta, sau mai ales parintii mei.
As vrea sa-ti marturisesc ca incepand de anul viitor ma voi muta la alt liceu. Sper sa nu te superi dar am fost nevoit sa fac acest lucru, parintii m-au obligat. Partea cea mai rea e ca voi fi in strainatate.
Mai poti scrie cateva idei si o incheiere.

coco146: poți să îmi traduce această scrisoare in limba engleză te rog
MelyGül: care scrisoare?
MelyGül: scz am inteles. ..:)
coco146: care mi-ai trimi-so
coco146: ok ms
Utilizator anonim: Dear friend, I think everything is connected, because sometimes scenarios that they've never seen arise in my mind but only for a second, then hide again. I would love to live my life in different styles and I did not anchor in that boring routine. I like to meet all kinds of people and learn as many new things. I feel many feelings and to think many thoughts. But I want to live just one person.
MelyGül: Dear Mircea, We haven't talked for a while, you are in Cluj , me at km distance. I hope that summer vacation will bring us together. I'm so sorry I haven't answered faster, you know this time is a problem for everyone, but my parents too. I would want to confess that starting next year move on at a new High school. I hope you won't be upset on me I must do that, even my parents influenced me. But the worse part is over the border. (..)
MelyGül: Sper ca te va ajuta.
coco146: ok ms
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